Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Blessings - Lessons I Learnt Last Week

Each  day provides  new  opportunities  to learn  valuable   lessons  of  life,  I want  to  share some   I learnt  this  past  week.
Truths which  are   strong  and enduring  as  these  ancient  historical monuments I have  taken  from Ashish and   Megan 's  album.

May  these  sights  of  India  entice  you  to  visit my  great  country. You are  welcome  to  stay  with  me  if  you  come  to  Allahabad. Instead  of  luxury I can offer  you  love.

Lesson  # 1  from  Proverbs 9 ((Old  Testament)

7 Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.
8 Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
rebuke the wise and they will love you.
9 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

Lesson   #  2
A man  who  wants  to  lead  the  orchestra  has  to  keep  his  back  towards  the  crowd. - Max  Lucado

Lesson  #  3 from Joni 's  devotional which I have  reproduced  below.                                             

Consider It Pure Joy

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because
you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
--James 1:2-3

A trial is not just an assault to be withstood, it is an opportunity to be seized.
And this little verse in James is intended to inspire, showing us that trials are
opportunities to prove our love and enhance our faith. With this perspective, life
becomes inspiring-not in spite of the trials but because of them

The soldier who is called to the front lines is stimulated at the chance to prove
his skills. The officer who is given a position of higher responsibility is roused
by the rugged demands of his task. You and I are soldiers in the same way. If you
are tempted to slack off from praying and instead you remain faithful, your faith
develops perseverance. If you are tempted to feel sorry for yourself, you instead
start thinking of the needs of others, and your character becomes refined. The result?

An improved you with greater faith, and a closer fellowship with the Savior.
And this is where the joy comes in!
It's going to happen to you scores of times today. God may test you. The Devil may
tempt you. And you decide the outcome. Because you can choose to either backslide
or advance. You can either fudge the truth or stand firm on the facts. When it happens,
consider each test and temptation an opportunity to be seized, a chance to prove
your faith. Your goal? A closer friendship with God.

Lord, my lifetime on earth will be the only chance I will have to prove my faith,
to show You how much I love You. When I go to heaven, the chance will be gone. Help
me to consider it pure joy to face each trial as a glorious opportunity to be seized.

Joni and Friends [

What   lessons   did  you  learn  this  past  week?

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