Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Filippo Magnini è arrabbiato.

Filippo Magnini fidanzato di Federica Pellegrini, è arrabbiato perchè non è stato ammesso alla finale di stile libero perchè alle selezioni ha fatto un punteggio bassissimo e se l”è presa anche con l”allenatore che  è quello della Pellegrini e il suo. Federica dal canto suo ha fallito la finale dei quattrocento stile libero, però potrà rifarsi a quella dei duecento, mentre Filippo è stato eliminato e non potrà gareggiare per una eventuale medaglia, entrambi  comunque sono stati bersagliati dal gossip e si sono anche prestati, però quand il gossip s”impadronisce degli atleti questi fanno sempre un pò dei flop come anche Montano che è stato eleminato dalla sua specialità nella scherma, ma speriamo in una medaglia di Federica Pellegrini allora.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rosie Jones Hot Pose for Olympics fan

You might be painting your face right about now with national team colors, you might be clearing off space on your DVR to make sure you get all 107 hours of equestrian event coverage, and you may even be tattooing five interconnected colorful circles on your scrotal regions, all to show your sign of enthusiasm for today's kickoff of the 2012  Summer Olympics, but, none of you have got my Olympics fan attention quite like Rosie Jones.

Rosie Jones Hot Photo

Rosie Jones Hot Stylist Pics

In her new pictorial for Loaded magazine, Rosie Jones shows precisely what it takes to be one of the hottest women in the nation given the privilege of hosting the Olympic games. It takes glorious pride and glorious funbags to complete this mission, and Rosie Jones has them both in spades. Though I'd prefer the latter in my two hands.
Rosie Jones Nude Pics

Rosie Jones Hot Pics

Rosie Jones Boobs Pics

Sexiest Pose of Aubrey Plaza in Nylon Guys magazine

Either you love Aubrey Plaza because of her work on Parks and Recreation or you just love super hot and cute actresses, either way, you'll super delight in Nylon Guys magazine's new pictorial of the brunette chick featuring Aubrey in all types of down-home poses.

Aubrey Plaza in Nylon Guys magazine Pics

Now, Aubrey may not precisely lay flat across her carpet in short shorts when she hangs out at home, but I can guarantee you if she were at our house, we'd beg her to do so until she was so annoyed she finally relented. Badgering is our primary strategy when it comes to success with the ladies. Crude, but effective.

Aubrey Plaza Pics

Aubrey Plaza Stylist Pics

Celebrity Model Laura Keller in Eh Gata Magazine with Topless Visions

When in Sudamericana, stay in Sudamericana, that's been my philosophy for several minutes here at least, let the Latina hotness continue with topless visions of celebrity model Laura Keller in Eh Gata magazine from Brazil, where the native model and dancer gets all kinds of ridiculously hot and topless in various tropical locales.
Laura Keller Bikini Pics

Laura Keller Pics

I was staring ceaselessly at Laura's gravitational defying boobtastic when I started feeling guilty for not ogling her gorgeous round dumper. Mea culpa, Laura. Your entire sextastic package all bare like that, well, it has me quite confused.
Laura Keller Boobs Pics

Laura Keller Butt Pics

Laura Keller Nude Photoshoot

Laura Keller Nude Pics

Laura Keller Topless Photo shoot

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Federica Pellegrini in cerca di medaglie alle Olimpiadi di Londra.

Oggi Federica Pellegrini è scesa in acqua insieme alle sue colleghe della staffetta stile libero, ma non è che le abbia aiutate molto, non sono state ammesse alle finali, mentre lei aspetta il suo grande giorno per poter accedere alle semifinali, per poi sperare in un piazzamento che tutti sperano sia al primo posto, ma lei è sicura che di medaglie ne vincerà molte, portando avanti il nuoto italiano, essendo lei una delle più forti nuotatrici nel mondo. Federica ha fatto parlare molto i giornali in questi ultimi anni per i suoi amori prima con Luca Marin con il quale ha convissuto molti anni, e poi con Filippo Magnini, suo compagno attuale,  entrambi bravi nuotatori  anche loro  alle olimpiadi di Londra sperano in una medaglia d”oro sempre per l”Italia, speriamo che ci riescano tutti e tre, spazziamo per una volta via i pettegolezzi e tifiamo per quelli che un tempo erano amici.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Kate Middleton e William sportivissimi per le Olimpiadi.

Kate Middleton, William e Hanry come membri della casa reale inglese quando la fiamma olimpica arriverà a Buckingham Palace la prenderanno  in consegna e la regina aprirà i giochi olimpici di Londra 2012. Ma anche nei giorni precedenti sono andati in vari college a partecipare a delle gare con i ragazzi, molto sportivi e alla mano, Kate ha giocato a ping pong, William a calcio ed Henry a pallacanesto fingendo anche di sbagliare un canestro facilissimo per lui, tutti loro hanno voluto dare alla famiglia reale inglese  per queste Olimpiadi un tocco di modernità, perciò la maggior parte dei ricevimenti, degli incontri saranno presenziati da loro, per far vedere al mondo che non sono legati a dei vecchi schemi, infatti loro tre si sono molto impegnati nel mondo come ambasciatori per queste Olimpiadi e per dare un tocco di modernità ad una monarchia vecchiotta ma sempre salda.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Travelling through an Indian city

This  video  was  made  my   family  friend  David  Phillips.Its  a  ride  through  the  busy  streets  of  our  city. You  will  see  vehicles of   all   sorts  vying   for  space  together  with animals.  Modern cars  and  horse carts  nudging  each  other and  an  elephant ambling along. In   the beginning there is  a  clip  of  his   wife  in  a   modern  confectionery.  The chocolate  donuts  cost  Rs  40 a  piece ( 80  cents)  He takes us  to  the  fruit  and  fish  market  also. Pretty   graphic.  The noise ,  confusion  and  colour  will  grab  you.
See  various  worlds  and economies  converge,  merge   together  and  flash past -
Modern - ancient
Rich - poor
Human - animal
Slow -  fast
Like  a  mighty  river  full  of  all  forms  of  life.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nicole Minetti testimonial del braccialetto olimpico italiano.

Nicole Minetti in questi giorni è al centro del gossip, sia perchè ha dichiarato che si dimetterà prima di ottobre cioè quando lo vorrà lei e non perchè impostole da qualcuno, e per la polemica che ha avuto con la Santanchè. che non ha detto cose carine su di lei, mentre la Minetti ha ribattuto dicendole che un pò di tempo fa ha avuto verso di lei delle parole amichevoli e lusinghiere, mentre adesso le rinnega, ma a dir il vero quando si cade in disgrazia anche i vecchi amici non ti riconoscono più, d”altronde si devono rifare tutti una verginità e allora su a epurare chi non ci sta più bene e a parlarne male, amiche che diventano nemiche. Però è stata chiamata anche dall”ideatore del braccialetto olimpico dell”Italia come testimonial,  e lei ha aderito a questa iniziativa, ma la Minetti ha anche affermato che lei non vorrà nessun vitalizio per gli anni che è stata assessore alla regione Lombardia, vedere per credere.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When in the Dark

When we are in the dark

In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are certain rooms devoted to the spinning of the finest and most delicate patterns. These rooms are altogether darkened, save for a light from one very small window, which falls directly upon the pattern. There is only one spinner in the room, and he sits where the narrow stream of light falls upon the threads of his weaving.

"Thus," we are told by the guide, "do we secure our choicest products. Lace is always more delicately and beautifully woven when the worker himself is in the dark and only his pattern is in the light."

May it not be the same with us in our weaving? Sometimes it is very dark. We cannot understand what we are doing. We do not see the web we are weaving. We are not able to discover any beauty, any possible good in our experience. Yet if we are faithful and fail not and faint not, we shall some day know that the most exquisite work of all our life was done in those days when it was so dark.

If you are in the deep shadows because of some strange, mysterious providence, do not be afraid. Simply go on in faith and love, never doubting. God is watching, and He will bring good and beauty out of all your pain and tears. --J. R. Miller

(Adaped  from  Streams  in  the  Desert)
(Google  photos)

Kristen Stewart Nude Look on The CAR

Thanks to EgoReader 'John J.' for a clearer look at the finally exposed boobtastic of gruff and grim but ever hot thespianic, Kristen Stewart showing boobs On the Road. An upgrade to our previous posting.)

Kristen Stewart Nude Look Pics

While Kristen has made promises of skin-showing in her past films, she never really came through until this fine piece of cinematic skinematic work, flashing her double twilights bare and beautiful in a scene where she uses both her hands much to the delight of the men seated in the car to her either side.
It's kind of like a dream come true, except for the second dude, he's got to go.

Kristen Stewart Nude Boobs Pics

Celebrity Nicole Trunfio Beautiful Look in Miami

Nicole Trunfio Bikini Pictures

Wow, Miami must have been jealous of all the attention the beaches of Italy were getting last week because it just has pulled out all stops, far and wide, to ring in a circle of sexy bikini of Nicole Trunfio sights like no other these past few days.
Nicole Trunfio Hot Panty and Bikini Pics

And you can add to that list Nicole Trunfio, the hottie Aussie transplant to the shores of the U.S., who has brought her body and soul to our fair lands, most importantly of course being that body, on bikini display of Nicole Trunfio  in Miami amid the sea of so many hot celebrities with the finest of bodies. Though even amid this sea, Nicole Trunfio hot sexy looks can not be missed. She's a true upper echelon kind of girl.
Nicole Trunfio Panty and Bikini Pics

Nicole Trunfio Boobs Pics

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hotty Christina Milian Forget to Wear Bikini

Well, blessed be the combination of Mother Nature and some faulty wardrobe design for the near and simultaneous uncovering of the fine and curvy sexy open body of Christina Milian in the shores off Miami Beach.
Christina Milian hot boobs pics

Christina Milian hot nude pics

The sextastic Cubana MILF seemed to be struggling to keep her chest puppies in their upper-cloth containment and while fiddling to fix that near wardrobe malfunction nearly lost her bottoms in the process, revealing her deliciously now salty crack. Overall, it was a good day for the waves and a very nearly great day for the oglers along the beach.
Enjoy Christina Milian hot panty and boobs.

Hotty Christina Milian Forget to Wear Bikini

Rihanna Showing off her Sexy body

Rihanna is not a shy girl. Not necessarily tasteless like a Paris Hilton when she hits the South of France, gets loaded, and stumbles and flashes of Rihanna upskirts, but definitely not shy about showing off her body by day or night when she's hitting the sultry vacation spots.

Rihanna Bikini Picture

Rihanna Hot Bikini Pics

Rihanna was in St. Tropez over the weekend with much of the blue blood vacationers taking advantage of a wicked cool celebrity yacht excusions, and providing some wicked hot bikini views of the Bajan diva's might fine body. If that bikini were any skimpier, it'd be, well, even more perfect, but I suppose with the likes of Magic Johnson aboard the vessel, Rihanna didn't want to go completely bare native.
Rihanna Hot Bikini Picture

Rihanna Hot Nude Pics

Rihanna Hot Panty Pics

And, after a long day of cocktails and suntanning and showing off your sweet tight body, you definitely need to relax with some see-through top cruising in and out of the clubs of St. Tropez, just in case the local oglers were wondering what Rihanna's boobtastic looked like underneath the little bikini top she had been wearing all day. Quite a wonderful display, a faptastic day-night doubleheader of hard-bodied goodness. We leered, and we leered but good. Enjoy Rihanna Bikini Picture.

Antonella Clerici al mare insieme alla sua piccola Maelle.

Antonella Clerici che è stata fotografata al mare dove possiede una villa, insieme alla sua bambina Maelle, mentre fanno il bagno insieme senza il compagno Eddy Martens con il quale però Antonella si è riconciliata infatti hanno partecipato insieme a molti eventi mondani e sembravano aver ritrovato un buon equilibrio di coppia. Invece al mare è stata vista sola con la sua bambina, forse Eddy avrà avuto da fare e non avrà potuto raggiungerle, Antonella anche alla ”Prova del Cuoco” con le sue collaboratrici Anna Moroni ed altre ha sempre detto che delle volte per amore dei figli bisogna passare su molte cose, perciò non penso che Eddy sia stato escluso da un momento gioioso e di relax.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Yesterday I  shared  a  story  which I  entitled  "Don 't Be  Discouraged". Little  did  I  know  that  I  needed  to  be  shielded  from  discouragement  anxiety  and    people  with  evil  intent.
I  had  a  harrowing  day  today,  but  I  did   find   time  to  visit  a shut -  in aunt  on  her  birthday and  spent  the  afternoon  with  her.
Please  pray  for  my protection  and   safety. I  need   God 's  comfort  ,  strength and  peace.
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