It was still too cold for Mama to venture outside but after my devotions I sat out on the porch to talk to the Lord. I had just begun my conversation when in rode cousin Vijay in his big van.
I had met him him at (cousin) Dr A 's birthday party - he is his elder brother who now lives in Dehra Dun (Doon). Vijay was singing worship songs at the party which surprised me because their family is traditional , nominal Christian - just good church going people.
Vijay is a pop singer, impresario and film maker and it surprised me to see him sing only worship songs for almost 2 hours I was there. He sings just like Elvis Presley by the way.
When I remarked about the change in his music genre , he said he was a pastor and was singing in churches and Christian events and people were blessed and healed by his music. I couldn 't believe what he was saying. Actually the pastor bit was a joke.
Vijay is a very light hearted and jovial person , a great story teller - no one can get bored in his company. He is in his late 50s but looks very young and fresh.
Vijay is singing for the glory of the Lord but he himself doesn 't have a very vibrant relationship with Him. I encouraged him to get on the path himself - the path he was pointing out to others. He is not doing it for financial gain or anything - he says God used sinners and prostitutes for his glory , so he is using me.
Well he knows all about the steps to salvation and his wife , who is a skin specialist and served in the Leprosy Mission (Christian) Hospital as doctor and Director before moving to Dehra Dun , is a believer
Anyway he stayed for a long time and went in and sat with Mama while I brought out tea and cake. We talked abut the old times, family memories , happy and sad . Theirs was a dysfunctional family , but they managed to stay together - 6 brothers and sisters and parents. And although they were never united in thought or action , they all pitch in to help and support each other financially and otherwise - they all are doing very well professionally. They may not agree with each other but they wear out the storm together.
Time went by very quickly but I d id'nt bother to start lunch. Later on I just made yellow rice with potatoes with yogurt raita and poppadoms.
Well, we shall pray for my cousin, that may truly know the God he is praising with his voice and talent.
It is so easy to point the way to others and not walk on it. Many people are afraid of accepting Christ as their saviour for they think He will require a hard thing of them, like going off to be a missionary in the jungles of Jharkhand. And I think that 's what is preventing Vijay from making that decision. A gross misconception.
God is not a killjoy fact He fills our lives with joy.
O taste and see that the Lord is good. (Bible)
Read this news story if you have the time.
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