His message can come like a telegram from across the miles- riding over ocean waves -
rolling down snow draped mountains
spiralling over bland desert sands
and echoing into monsoon forests
My friend Sita from Canada sent me a James MacDonald devotional - which I inhaled as life giving oxygen.
I asked for prayer in my last post and have been comforted by the knowledge that many of you are praying for us.
But when one enters
uncharted waters
one can feel nervous and tense.
I 've been on a roller coaster -
feeling strong and brave at one time
and weak and vulnerable at another.
I needed a shot in the arm to boost my feeble faith.
When I opened my Inbox the title of Sita 's email hit me between the eyes -FEAR IS NOT FROM GOD.
It came as a red letter message from God.
Thank you Sita
Thank you God for sending me Your Word.
Here is the precious reminder from James MacDonald. My dear friends continue to pray for us
Stir it Up!
"For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1:6-7
I've mentioned in the past about my love for messing around with fire. And when a fire dies down, that's my favorite part - kick it and blow on it and stir it up a little bit.
You have faith! How's that faith going? You say, "Well, it's getting a little dormant." Stir it up! Stir it up! Let's get it going. Let's fire that thing up again. You're like, "Well, James, if I really fire it up for the Lord, I've got to tell you, when I think about doing that, there is stuff that comes into my mind. Like, but what if... And How is that going to affect me at work? How is that going to affect..." Fill in the blank.
We all have times like that. Timothy was feeling that.
Listen up. You have nothing to fear. These verses in 2 Timothy really gripped me. You have nothing to fear circumstantially because God has given you power. Do you see it in the text? You have power!
A Christian has nothing to fear. Nothing. If you struggle with fear, if you are fearful about some things, this will help. That feeling of fear is not from God, it's just not.
God did NOT give you a spirit of fear.
God did NOT give you an attitude of fear.
God did NOT give you a problem with fear.
He gave you something else - POWER.
God gave you power.
The idea is that you have nothing to fear—not circumstances, not anything.
The word "power" is dunamis, from which we get our word dynamite.
It means to act and accomplish. Most often in the New Testament, it is used in close connection to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God controlling you produces an attitude that is powerful. Here is the apostle Paul facing momentary execution. He has maybe hours or minutes to live and what does he want to do? He wants to write a letter to Timothy to encourage him.
Who does that? Someone with a spirit of power. There is nothing that can happen to you that you can't - with God's help - get on top of. I am telling you the truth. Paul faced it. Timothy was facing it. I have faced it. And in God's power, you can, too.
You have nothing to fear.
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