Friday, April 2, 2010

"Oh No! They killed The Baby"!!!

A fellow blogger CREATIVE TYPE DAD
posted the following story on his blog which is much more than cute. It has deep seeds of truth in it. His daughter is 5 or 6 years old.

"One big thing we do every year there is attend something called the Candlelight Procession at Ecpot. Which is rather nice show of tradition Christmas music with local youth and church choirs from around Florida and some celebrity narrator. Our celebrity was Whoopi Goldberg.When Whoopi was talking my daughter somehow figured out that the baby everybody was talking about was the same Jesus that's dead and bleeding on the cross. During the performance she yelled at the wife and I, “Oh no! They killed the baby!!”It seems like since we’ve been back I'll I've been doing is answering questions about why they killed the baby."

Yes beloved , the cute cuddly baby Jesus we were oohing ashing over at Christmas was brutally executed today on Good Friday , 33 years after his birth.
All babies are born to live
But this baby was born to die.

And I am glad He died. The spotless Lamb of God paid the penalty for my sin. The Bible says in Hebrews 9;22" without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins".
I am glad Jesus paid the price for my sins. Without that Good Friday would have just been Black Friday and everyone would have forgotten about the good man Yeshua.
But the reality and power of the Sacrifice and Resurrection of Christ
has literally turned the world upside down in spite of the persecution, abuse and hardships of His followers.Worship the treasure of heaven crucified with this powerful hymn.
I feel like crying when I see a lady using sign language to "sing" in the video.

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