Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Blessings - Because YOU Prayed

Because YOU Prayed

God  touched  our  weary  bodies  with  His  power
And gave  us strength for many a  trying  hour
In which we  might have faltered ,had not you,
Our  intercessors  faithful been  and true.

God touched our eager  fingers  with skill,
Enabling us to do His  blessed will.
With scalpel,suture, bandage;better still
He healed  the  sick,the wounded, cured  the ill.

God  touched our lips with coal from altar fire,
Gave Spirit fullness,and did so  inspire,
That when we spoke , sin blinded souls did see;
Sins chains were broken,captives were made free.

The "dwellers in the dark" have found the  Light
The glad Good News  has   banished  heathen  night.
The message  of the cross  so long delayed
Has brought  them life  at   last- because  you prayed.

(author unknown)
 Such  a  beautiful poem from  an  old Back to  the  Bible  publication I rediscovered. Don' t  underestimate  the  power  and  reach  of  prayer.

(standing) Ameeta,& Indraish, Benalin and Barun
(seated) My  mother and Aunt Maya
This  weekend  we  had  many  visitors.
Saturday  morning my Dad 's   colleague  and  friend, Mr  Panday  dropped  by  after ages. He  78 years old  and doesn' t  get around  too  much because  of arthritris. He  is  a Hindu  man but never  forgets  to  phone  at  Christmas  and New Years. When my  phone number  changed , he   could not   contact  us and  I  didn' t have   his  number  too. Now  we  have  exchanged  numbers  so  we  can  call up  once in a while. We had  a good  time  recalling old  times, catching up  on  news   and  just  chatting.

After Panday Uncle  left a  group  of  4  young  people  came. Ameeta and  her  husband  work at the  Christian  University  and  Benalin and Barun are  missionaries  among collge  students. Aunt  Maya  is my  Mom 's  widowed  sister in law. She had  to  vacate   her  rented  apartment.

Her  son and daughter' s  homes are  too small and their life  style too  busy so  she  has requested   if she  can  stay  with  us   till she   finds  a suitable  place   for herself.  I have already  stored some  of  her  stuff  in my   storeroom. The type  of  housing  she  is  looking  for is  cheap  and close to  her  son  and daughter ( both  married with families) because  she  has  many medical  problems  and  illnesses.
I  could  not  turn  down her request because  she   says  she  feels  more  free  and  relaxed  in  our  home  than anywhere  else. We  embrace  her  with  the love  of  Christ. Although  having  another  ailing person in the  house  is  not  easy for me.
But I  want  to  continue our family  tradition of opening our  humble home  as  a  haven and  oasis for  whoever  needs  it. Do pray for us.

Coming  back to our  weekend  visitors.
Today  while  I   was in church I  got  news  that  my  friend  Poonam  had  arrived  by  train  from  another   city. She  comes   occasionally   on  weekends for a  business  meeting. I  came home  home  to  find   she  had  already showered  and had  a cold drink. She  didn 't  want  breakfast  as  she  was in  a   hurry  for  her  appointment and  then  catch  a  train back,  although I  saved lunch for her.

Just  as we  started  making   lunch ( a  paneer  -cottage cheese curry and  lentil  and rice) when  family came  by. Thomas  is   a  professor   at the Christian Univeristy and  Annie  is  a  housewife at   the  moment.  It  was  so  good   to  see  them  .  I  was  specially  over joyed  when  Annie   remarked  that   she  noticed   I  ha d lost   quite  a  bit   of  weight  since she last  saw  me  in  March....about   6  or  7  kigs or  12 to  14  pounds. That 's  a  huge   compliment   for   me. I  am  working  on losing  more  weight.

 They told   us  that their  church  is  interested  in renting our  church  hall  for their  services. Sounds   good  to us  and  we  will be  working  on  that.
A lot  more   happened  but these  are  the  highlights.
These  flowers   are  blooming   in  a corner  of  our   rose  bed. I  don 't   know   what  they  are  called  and
how  they came up.

Have   a  good  day.

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