Winter Flowers
My dear friends thank you for sending us good wishes and assurances of prayer.
That has kept our spirits, faith
and physical reserves up in these past few days.
Apart from knee exercises Mama has to take complete bed rest. Its hard to just lie flat on your
back and turn a few times.
She gets irritated, lonely and bored,
sometimes angry too.Sister Namrita is
nursing her day and night and me
helping. My elder sister and BIL are on their way to India.
That is a great comfort.
On YouTube I show mom her
favourite soaps - to cheer her up.
We have family prayers and I read scriptures aloud to her and play Christian music.
Our lives are centred around our mother.
Namrita's 11 year old Rayguel plays ball, or with
Sheeba. He watches cartoons and plays games .
Hard to keep him occupied, but he doesn' t complain. He is a good boy.
Its very cold here that is making life
difficult. But we thank God for
the warm clothes we have
and a little space heater
for Mom.
Besides dealing with our mother 's
illness we have facing some very
deep troubles and trials.
I cannot share anything here.
The devil is trying to crush us and tear us apart.
Its like the Anti Christ of the book
of Revelation.
I went through a period of shock
and emotional upheaval.
But prayer, reading the scriptures and help from strong believers has kept us strong
and stable.
All this we are hiding from Mom, as it will
be detrimental to her recovery.
we are like on an emotional roller
coaster - up and down.
But always feeling the presence of God.
We remain strong in this evil day.
And with Job I will say,
"Tho He slay me
yet will I trust Him".
(Job 13;14)
We need your prayers
and support.
Pray for our safety.
I am slowly visiting blog friends.
My physical energy is low.